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New portal for housing schemes introduced

A new portal has been introduced through which the public can apply for government run housing schemes, titled the 'Hiyaavehi' portal.

Mariyath Mohamed
24 February 2024, MVT 15:30
housing ministry / ali haidar ahmed
Mariyath Mohamed
24 February 2024, MVT 15:30

A new portal has been introduced through which the public can apply for government run housing schemes.

The previous government, too, launched such a portal, by the name of 'Gedhoruverin', through which they ran the Gedhoruveriya (for allocation of flats) and Binveriya (for allocation of land plots) housing schemes.

However, introduction of a portal for housing schemes is included amongst the presidential pledges of President Dr Mohamed Muizzu.

In a statement released by the Ministry of Housing, Land and Urban Development, they announced the introduction of 'Hiyaavehi' portal in accordance with the administration's first 14 week plan, Haftha 14.

The ministry said that the portal would facilitate creation of profiles to apply for housing schemes, application once housing schemes are announced, housing loans, submittal of related complaints and such services.

They said that when those registered to the Hiyaavehi portal send in applications for housing schemes, the applications will be categorized into levels, ascertaining those most in need of housing, registering, storing their information and facilitating the conduction of housing related assessments in collaboration with councils.

To log in to the portal, the public is advised to visit /https://hiyaavehi.housing.gov.mv through the use of eFaas.

The ministry said that in future housing schemes, applications will be accepted through this portal.

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