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Two injured in speedboat collision in serious condition

In addition to the two individuals undergoing treatment in ICU, one of the injured is being treated in the hospital's ward.

Malika Shahid
23 February 2024, MVT 13:41
A man injured in the speedboat collision being put into an ambulance
Malika Shahid
23 February 2024, MVT 13:41

Two individuals injured in the collision between two speedboats near Villimale' are in serious condition and are being treated in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) said today.

A total of 13 people were injured and taken to Vilimale' hospital in the collision which occurred near the Vilimale' watersports area at around 20:00 hrs last night.

Among the injured were 10 individuals from Afcons Company, which was awarded the Thilamale' Bridge project, and three individuals onboard the Anantara Resort's speedboat.

Six individuals were transported to IGMH last night for further treatment.

According to IGMH, in addition to the two individuals in ICU, one of the injured is being treated in the hospital's ward. Others who were taken to the hospital were discharged after treatment.

The windows of one of the speedboats involved have been shattered while the other one sank.

The cause of the collision is yet to be ascertained. However, due to the ongoing work on the bridge, travel through the Male'-Villimale' channel has been prohibited.

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