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Authorities issue travel ban on FAM President

Mohamed Rehan
05 December 2023, MVT 22:01
Bassam Adeel Jaleel outside FAM House--
Mohamed Rehan
05 December 2023, MVT 22:01

Local authorities have issued a travel ban on Football Association of Maldives' (FAM) President Bassam Adeel Jaleel.

The Maldives Immigration issued the travel ban on Bassam for a six-month duration upon the request of Maldives Police Service, barring his attempt to fly abroad recently.

While the no-flying order was issued on Bassam, Police have already begun investigations into FAM's alleged misuse of funds provided by international football federations. Earlier on October 22, police raided the FAM House in Malé City to launch an investigation into the association upon the order of Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem.

At the PG Office press briefing held last Thursday, Shaheem said the prime suspect of the FAM scandal was its President, and added that charges would be pressed against Bassam at the relevant court. He further said that the office was currently inspecting additional information about the case before prosecution.

"We suspect those involved in leadership positions of FAM in the case, and from everything we have gathered so far, the prime suspect appears to be FAM's President Bassam," Shameem said in response to a question from Mihaaru News.

Bassam however, has denied all allegations made on him and other senior officials of the association. In an interview with Mihaaru News, Bassam reiterated that neither he, nor FAM's ExCo members or staff had mishandled the funds.

Shameem countered stating investigations have revealed misappropriation of funds received to FAM, adding that the expenditure of the association's senior officials on their foreign trips are evidence of this misappropriation. The Prosecutor General highlighted that the majority of the expenses during their foreign trips are settled via cash cards, making it easy to trace how they utilized the association's funds.

"We are aware of where they have been to, and where they have stayed, or which mall they shopped. All these information are secured safely within a system," Shameem said.

He also highlighted that policies were set in place on how to utilize funds extended by international sports federations, and although FIFA extended money to FAM, it was designated for the people of Maldives in sporting endeavors.

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