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News / IVF

Treetop Hospital Achieves 60% IVF Success Rate

Rabeeha Amir
01 December 2023, MVT 08:34
Press conference held by Treetop Hospital with Fertility Specialist Dr Zakiya (R) and IVF Specialist Dr Anita (C).-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Rabeeha Amir
01 December 2023, MVT 08:34

Six out of the ten patients from the initial group undergoing IVF at Treetop Hospital experienced successful treatment, resulting in pregnancies, as reported during a press conference on Monday.

Fertility specialist Dr Zakia Ahmed shared that the hospital's fertility center, inaugurated in May, identified eligible candidates for IVF in July, with the first batch consisting of 16 individuals and started treatment in July. Out of these, six patients who underwent embryo transfer successfully conceived, marking a significant achievement for the hospital.

The recently established fertility center already boasts a registration of 160 individuals seeking IVF treatment within the country.

Historically, individuals seeking IVF treatments often had to travel abroad, incurring substantial costs and necessitating extended stays. Treetop Hospital has addressed this by setting the IVF cost at a fixed rate of MVR 46,000.

"What we have started is a very successful endeavor. All the processes, from beginning to end, are undertaken at the hospital itself. There is nothing in this treatment that involves having to send patients abroad. It has all been completed by doing everything within our own lab facilities," CEO of Treetop Hospital, Adhil Moosa, stated.

Treetop revealed that one of the successful cases involved a patient who had previously sought treatment abroad four times in vain. In addition, patients who sought and did not achieve success in IUI treatments abroad have also had positive experiences at Treetop.

Zakia stated that although IVF treatments are provided in batches now, in the future, the hospital aims to provide the treatment daily or at the least, weekly.

"Some of the patients registered for IVF treatment with us have expressed frustrations about the delays in getting service. However, our aim is to provide this treatment daily in the future," Zakia said.

IVF Specialist Dr Anita stated that one of the biggest challenges faced in the process is the difficulty in obtaining required medication.

Additionally, the high cost of the medications and the treatment currently not being included under insurance coverage also count as further challenges to the process. She noted that assistance from the government in the matter would prove to be a relief to patients.

The new government has pledged to include Aasandha coverage for infertility treatment within their plan for the first hundred days of the administration.

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