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National Library revamped in collaboration with BML

Mariyath Mohamed
29 November 2023, MVT 14:02
Inside the National Library.
Mariyath Mohamed
29 November 2023, MVT 14:02

The National Library has been upgraded with the help of the Bank of Maldives (BML). Multiple changes have been brought to revamp the library, with the collaboration of BML. This covers changes to the allocation of reading spaces within the library; including improvements in the main reading area, research room, the Makers Space, as well as the National Collection Room. Discussion rooms and a silent reading area have also been established. An audio recording booth with the latest technology has also been introduced. The library now has its first security gate as well.

Additional improvements have been brought to the English language books section and the research section, with upgrades to the computer systems used in these departments.

BML Chief Executive Officer Karl Stumke visited the library to see the new improvements, along with National Library Director General Fathimath Shiham and State Minister Ahmed Munaz.

In addition to the library, BML has also facilitated upgrades at the National Museum of Maldives.

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