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MDP to use face recognition technology for voters in presidential elections

Shaina Abdulla
16 September 2018, MVT 20:49
Shaina Abdulla
16 September 2018, MVT 20:49

Main opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has revealed that the opposition will be using a face recognition technology during the upcoming presidential elections slated for September 23.

MDP Chairperson Hassan Latheef stated that the face recognition technology was built to identify voters at polling stations at the exact time to ensure no double voting in the upcoming elections.

Latheef stated that the opposition had built the technology as the Elections Commission (EC), according to the opposition, is incapable of holding a free and fair election.

The chairperson further stated that such technology must be used by the EC, and not only by the opposition party. Latheef, however, further added that the opposition will take every step necessary in order to ensure a free and fair election.

Latheef also revealed that the opposition will be using the technology at every polling station of the upcoming presidential elections.