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Two women arrested for anti-Israel protests at embassies released

The two women were granted a conditional release by the Criminal Court today.

Ameera Osmanagic
05 September 2024, MVT 16:09
Dr. Shazra and Shadhiya released from custody --
Ameera Osmanagic
05 September 2024, MVT 16:09

The Criminal Court today decided to grant a conditional release for the two women who were arrested for their continued anti-Israel protests in front of foreign embassies in Maldives.

The two women, who were protesting against Israel's increasingly aggressive atrocities against Palestine are Dr. Shazra and Aishath Shadhiya, the wife of local Islamic scholar Dr. Mohamed Iyaz.

Police said the court ordered the women's conditional release after they were presented to court following the expiry of their initial five-day remand duration, and the three days which were added later.

According to the agency they were arrested for violating the Freedom of Peaceful Assembly Act. A statement by Police further detailed that the women had repeatedly shouted into microphones near embassy buildings, used profane language, and harassed consulates and agencies.

Police also said the women did not heed verbal advice to cease their protests, which eventually led to their arrest.

Shadhiya and Shazra's protests primarily focused against Israel and called for the boycott of pro-Israeli products.

Their arrest has sparked concerns from local political parties Adhaalath Party and Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), as well as members of the public. However, government officials have taken a stand with the government's decision.

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