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Cataract surgery now available at Eye Care

This is an advertorial for Eye Care Opticals.

Ameera Osmanagic
30 June 2024, MVT 19:00
Eye Care Opticals in Malé City -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
30 June 2024, MVT 19:00

Eye Care Opticals has introduced eye cataract surgeries as part of its newest services available at the centre.

Eye cataracts, which are cloudy areas in the lens of a person's eye is a common condition faced by many over the age of 55. cataracts often hinder clear sight making it blurry or dim especially at night. Patients also complain of sensitivity to light and glare while sight of colour is also faded.

Eye Care's ophthalmologist Dr Mohamed Azzam, who specializes in medical and surgical retina, said that cataracts are more common in people who also suffer from issues with thyroids as well as diabetes. While this condition is mostly found in older individuals, the best treatment would be to undergo a cataract surgery and receive an artificial lens implant, he said.

Dr Azzam said that surgery is only recommended after detailed assessments including the level of cloudiness on the lens and its impact on eyesight. He also detailed that patients will also be informed of all necessary information and that all the best options would be explained to them before moving forward.

Ophthalmologist at Eye Care, Dr. Azzam -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru

"Eye Care has various different types of lenses we use in this surgery. Those include the most standard lens to the most premium ones. In choosing a lens, doctors will identify whether the patient has any additional eye problems, look into the lifestyle of the patient and suggest the best lens options," he said.

According to the doctor, premium lenses include ones with special filters, those which prevent opacity, lenses which allow distance and intermediate vision, as well as trifocal lenses.

All lenses come in varying prices at Eye Care.

While many worry about having to undergo an eye surgery, the biggest concerns are about down time after surgery and having to stay with eye patches.

However, the surgery performed at Eye Care is minimally invasive and is done with the help of the latest technology, said Dr Azzam.

Eye check up being done by Dr. Azzam at Eye Care Opticals -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru

"This surgery takes only about 10 minutes. The surgery will [also] not cause any pain. No medicated patches will be required after the surgery. We scrape away the cloudiness [from the eye] using ultrasound technology and insert a rolled up lens. This lens will self adjust into the eye. The result of the surgery can be seen on the day [of the surgery] itself," the doctor said.

Dr. Azzam also said that this surgery is a permanent solution and that issues of needing to change the lens and recurrence of cataracts would not happen after the surgery.

With the prevalence of eye cataracts and other eye issues among the older population, Dr Azzam urges everyone to get eye checkups done regularly.

Eye Care offers eye checkup services as well as other eye surgeries and treatments.

Note: This is an advertorial for Eye Care Opticals.

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