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MDP submits Anti Defection Bill

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has submitted an Anti Defection Bill to parliament which stipulates that members will lose their seats through floor crossing.

Mariyath Mohamed
24 February 2024, MVT 16:03
Majlis emergency sitting
Mariyath Mohamed
24 February 2024, MVT 16:03

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has submitted an Anti Defection Bill to parliament which stipulates that any member who defects to a party other than the one they were elected through will lose their seat.

An Anti Defection Bill was first submitted in the Maldives' during the 18th parliament. However, MDP withdrew the bill after the then government left office.

This new submission of the bill has come following a wave of several MDP parliament members floor crossing to join the ruling party People's National Congress (PNC).

This bill was submitted by MP Ahmed Abdulla.

In a press conference held on Thursday, MDP MP Hisaan Hussain said that the biggest issue with the previously proposed law was that the member's chair becomes vacant in the instance that the member is dismissed from the political party they represent.

Hisaan asserted that no political party should be granted such undue influence over a parliament member.

She said that in contradiction to this, the new bill stipulates that if a member is dismissed from their political party, Elections Commission must hold a recall vote in the related constituency, and the member will only lose their seat if the constituents decide against them.

In the instance that a member leaves the representative party of their own will, they must resign from their parliamentary seat as well.

Hisaan said that in drafting the bill, care had been taken to ensure no undue influence can be exerted from or on political parties, while at the same time addressing public concerns.

She revealed that although the bill has been proposed to parliament, there are administrative hurdles in placing it on agenda. She did not offer details regarding this.

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