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High Court rules to uphold Employment Tribunal's decision regarding ACC employee

High Court has ruled that ACC acted against the law in taking disciplinary action against a member of staff citing that they had been involved in releasing some information concerning former Finance Minister Ibrahim Ameer on social media.

Mariyath Mohamed
16 July 2024, MVT 12:18
Anti corruption commission
Mariyath Mohamed
16 July 2024, MVT 12:18

High Court has ruled that Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) acted against the law in taking disciplinary action against a member of staff citing that they had been involved in releasing some information concerning former Finance Minister Ibrahim Ameer on social media.

In 2020, a social media page published some documents concerning Ameer. ACC decided that a member of their staff working in the Intelligence Unit of the commission had been involved, and as a disciplinary measure, transferred him to another department.

The Employment Tribunal ruled that the action taken against this employee by ACC was against the law, and ordered the commission to revoke their decision. ACC then appealed the case at the High Court.

However, High Court yesterday concluded the case by upholding the Tribunal's decision. In the ruling, the Court said that ACC had been unable to provide any legal justifications why the Tribunal's decision was wrong. Hence, the Court did not find any reason to change the Tribunal's decision.

The High Court Judge Hassan Shafeeu, Judge Mohamed Shaneez Abdulla and Judge Mohamed Faisal heard the case, with Judge Shafeeu presiding.