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Let us be the architects of a brighter future: President at Summit of the Future

"Future generations will judge our legacy not by the processes we initiate, but by the concrete actions we take."

Mariyath Mohamed
23 September 2024, MVT 09:03
President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu delivers Maldives’ statement at the Summit of the Future-Maldives-UN-United Nations
Mariyath Mohamed
23 September 2024, MVT 09:03

"Future generations will judge our legacy not by the processes we initiate, but by the concrete actions we take."

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu made these remarks while speaking at the ongoing United Nations Summit of the Future in New York.

The President called on the UN to begin delivering tangible results, rather than having the resolutions remain unimplemented, as is perceived by many.

He proposed three courses of action, beginning with initiating youth empowerment.

"We are investing in cutting-edge digital infrastructure to ensure every young person has access to the latest technologies," he said, sharing a vision where Maldives sees digital innovation as the driver of economic opportunity and social equity.

He then highlighted the necessity to combat climate change, which is a key threat even to future generations.

The President stated that extreme weather incidents have caused over USD 153 billion in loss within the past fifty years in Small Island Developing States.

He called on the summit to honour previous commitments, including on climate adaptation and mitigation, and ocean and marine resource protection.

The President announced Maldives commitment towards achieving a net-zero future.

As a final proposal, the President emphasized the importance of financing in achieving these targets.

Ending his address, the President emphasized the need for the UN to deliver results in bringing a halt to the ongoing genocide in Palestine, and to grant the State of Palestine full membership at the UN.

"For the Maldives, and for every island, and for every soul dreaming of a better tomorrow - let us be the architects of that brighter future," he stated.

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