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Importers to bear costs for putting down, shipping illegal animals

The amendment now requires the importer to cover all costs and make the necessary arrangements for either returning the animals to their country of origin or sending them to a rescue center or facility within seven days of the management authority's decision.

Malika Shahid
07 October 2024, MVT 11:21
Sugar gliders are exotic animals which are prohibited to be imported to Maldives -- Photo: Anom Harya
Malika Shahid
07 October 2024, MVT 11:21

A new amendment to the International Trade Controls on Endangered Species Act regulations has shifted the responsibility for handling illegally imported animals.

The amendment now requires the importer to cover all costs and make the necessary arrangements for either returning the animals to their country of origin or sending them to a rescue center or facility within seven days of the management authority's decision.

This includes bearing the cost if the decision is made to put down the animals.

Previously, the owner was responsible for these costs, and they had only two days to arrange for the animals' transportation.