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Bar Council to hold a discussion session on Maldives Constitution

Bar Council of the Maldives, in collaboration with Maldives National University (MNU) and Villa College, has decided to proceed a discussion session titled 'Constitutional Promises and Reality'.

Aishath Shuba Solih
05 August 2024, MVT 19:17
Lawyers in attendance at a lawyer's forum previously organized by Bar Council.
Aishath Shuba Solih
05 August 2024, MVT 19:17

Bar Council of the Maldives, in collaboration with Maldives National University (MNU) and Villa College, has announced that they will be hosting a discussion session titled 'Constitutional Promises and Reality'.

The session will take place at the auditorium of MNU's Faculty of Education on August 6, Tuesday, from 20:15 hrs to 22:30 hrs.

Bar Council said that the session, which will adopt an academic approach, will focus on the current Constitution of Maldives.

Highlights of the discussion

- Constitutional promises

- Work conducted to realize said pledges

- Barriers posed in realizing said pledges

The discussion will cover fundamental aspects such as rights, freedoms, judicial issues, and governance system, as well as lessons learnt over the years in these areas, the council said.

The keynote speaker for the forum will be Dr Shamsul Falah, who conducts academic researches on Maldivian law. He has also previously held several notable positions such as the Legal Advisor at the President's Office and Member of the Judicial Service Commission.