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MRM doubts EC’s transparency in presidential election 2023

Mohamed Rehan
25 June 2023, MVT 19:07
Top brass of MRM at Elections Commission to submit its registry-- Photo: Hussain Waheed/Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
25 June 2023, MVT 19:07

Maldives Reform Movement (MRM) has said that there is little hope that the upcoming presidential election will be free and fair due to the conduct of the Elections Commission (EC).

MRM has criticized the Elections Commission (EC) for its attempts to dissolve the party. MRM has accused the commission of violating the Maldives Constitution and the Political Parties Act with its actions.

Earlier in May, the EC announced its decision to dissolve MRM on the grounds of not meeting the legally required threshold of 3,000 members. The party however, sought an interim injunction against EC through Civil Court to impede the proceedings.

Following the interim injunction sought by MRM to impede the dissolution process, EC requested a revision of the Civil Court order. However, the court declined the request. At the same time, a judicial review case challenging the EC's decision to dissolve MRM was submitted to the court on the same date.

The party has accused EC of politically motivated decision-making and said that the commission's decision has violated several rights of the party.

"MRM is now identified as a non-existent party, and several of its members have been coerced into joining other parties, hindering the party's preparations for the 2023 elections. Despite these challenges, the party remains committed to responsible political reform and will persist in its efforts," the party's statement said.

MRM, a member of the coalition led by the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), raised concerns about possible political influence in EC's decision. The party further criticized the commission for not upholding its own regulations.

MRM expressed doubts about the competence of EC in managing the voters' list, citing concerns about the commission's own conduct. The party argued that EC needs to regain the trust of the Maldivian public for the upcoming election.