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Coca-Cola assures commitment to resolve PET plastic waste pollution

Mohamed Rehan
08 June 2022, MVT 18:07
Coca-Cola Company's ensures continued commitment towards environmental sustainability -- Photo: The Coca-Cola Company
Mohamed Rehan
08 June 2022, MVT 18:07

Coca-Cola in Maldives has reaffirmed its commitment to play its part as a responsible business to resolve the PET plastic waste pollution in the island nation.

The company's commitment comes on the World Environment Day, with its pledge on creating a circular economy for plastic.

Moreover, Coca-Cola noted that more than eight million tons of plastic are dumped into the oceans every year with half of having been used only once before being discarded.

An assessment of the socio-economic impact of the use of plastic bottles in the Maldives conducted by the NIG Capital in association with the Maldives Ocean Plastic Alliance (MOPA) found that the total plastic footprint in the island nation is approximately 12 percent of the total waste in the country.

Meanwhile, PET bottles used in the beverages industry accounts for 10 percent of the total plastic waste resulting in PET being approximately 1 percent of the total waste.

In a bid to increase its responsibility towards environmental sustainability and preservation, The Coca-Cola Company in 2018 launched "an ambitious sustainable packaging initiative" called "World Without Waste" in a bid to collect and recycle a bottle or can for each sold by 2030.

Furthermore, the company has been taking bold steps to effectively tackle plastic pollution and create a circular economy around the use of plastic bottle packing.

As such, the company's famous transparent fizzy offering; Sprite had transformed its packaging from its iconic green bottle to a clear package, which echoes the company's efforts of a global shift towards 100 percent recyclable packaging.

The new and clear Sprite PET bottle launched in September 2021 is 100 percent recyclable according to The Coca-Cola Company.

Moreover, according to the company this move will increase the value of the plastic in the after-use market and "its ability to remain in the circular economy to be re-used for different purposes."

On the other hand, Bonaqua, the water brand from the company also shifted towards a clear bottle in a bid to ensure utilization of PET packs in the Maldives that are more recyclable.

Additionally, The Coca-Cola Company in association with its local bottling partner Male' Aerated Water Company (MAWC) has "forged strong partnerships with local organizations that are involved in practical solutions to address plastic waste."

The company's commitment towards environmental sustainability and preservation is further evident in it being one of the main partners of the Maldives Ocean Plastics Alliance (MOPA) in its flagship Plastic Reverse Logistics Project and Island PET Collection Project.

"Together with The Coca-Cola Company, MAWC is taking steps to create a more sustainable and better shared future. We are committed to making a difference in people's lives, communities and our planet by doing business the right way," said Mr. Sanjay Maniku, the Managing Director of MAWC.

"We look forward to working with our partners to explore more ways to accelerate the circular economy for post-consumer PET bottles in the Maldives," he added.

Meanwhile, The Coca-Cola Company has commenced voluntary implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility EPR), into the second year of the Plastic Reverse Logistics Project and the Island PET Collection Project.

The company aims to "give a new life" to the 100 percent recyclable and versatile PET plastic packaging with these efforts.

Coca-Cola reportedly collected 45,800 kilograms of PET in 2021, while the projects were expanded in 2022 with the addition of more islands and eateries to the collection initiatives.

"As a responsible global brand, Coca-Cola is committed to the principles of reducing waste, reusing and recycling resources and products," Mr. Pankaj Sinha, the Managing Director of Coca-Cola in the Maldives said.

He further said that the company was also "committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" and that the company looked forward to "jointly working together with partners, and the government to create a circular economy in the Maldives."

Earlier, in December 2021 Coca-Cola in association with MOPA initiated the Resort PET Collection Project in order to recover and recycle empty PET bottles from resorts across the Maldives.

This expansion of the PET Collection initiative was aimed at drastic reduction and reliance on new plastic while ensuring plastic bottles did not enter the oceans.

Moreover, the Resort PET Collection Project counts five resort operators as its partners while the initiative has resulted in close to 1,000 kilograms of PET collection in under six months.

Coca-Cola Company confirms that the PET bottles are handed over to Parley Maldives after collection, which is then recycled or upcycled into everyday items such as branded footwear, swimwear and garments.

To ensure continuity of its environmental sustainability efforts, Coca-Cola offers its products in packages suitable for "all occasions, and in choices" such as PET bottles and returnable and non-returnable glass bottles while all of Coca-Cola's packaging are now 100 percent recyclable echoing its dedication and commitment towards a "cleaner and pristine Maldives."

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