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Must take examples from the Prophet (PBUH)'s life and end wastefulness and redundant expenses: President Muizzu

On the occasion of the Islamic New Year, President Muizzu emphasized the importance of drawing lessons from the life of Prophet Muhammad, urging all to avoid wasteful habits and expenses.

Aishath Shuba Solih
07 July 2024, MVT 13:44
President Dr Mohamed Muizzu at a cabinet meeting. -- Photo: President's Office
Aishath Shuba Solih
07 July 2024, MVT 13:44

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu stated last night that the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), exemplifies values and morals that should be emulated and urged everyone to follow the Prophet's habits of abstaining from unnecessary expenses and avoiding wastefulness.

In his address on the occasion of the Islamic New Year, President Muizzu emphasized that the historical success of Prophet Muhammad's migration (Hijra) from Mecca to Medina symbolizes the importance of communal unity for a country's prosperity.

Asserting the importance of strengthening familial relations and undertaking work with diligence and enthusiasm, the President further highlighted the need to preserve diplomatic relations with neighboring states and highlighted the importance of each individual aiming for a fulfilled lifestyle.

"That if everyone adopts the habits of avoiding wastefulness and unnecessary expenses, the country's economy will be solidified. Laws and regulations enforced for the betterment of all must be implemented," said the President.

He emphasized that one of the most important resolutions to be remembered this Islamic New Year is the unification of the entire nation to address the country's challenges and promote its development.

According to the President, years of past neglect have led to a significant number of undocumented immigrants in the country. The community has also neglected to uphold good morals and behavior, as well as to address criminal offenses such as drug use and gang activities, said the President. He added that there is also lack of habits such as living within means and managing expenses.

"The meaning of migration (Hijra) also signifies moving to another place to improve a person's current state of being. Therefore, as we enter this new year, our resolve should be to support the government's developmental and reformative efforts aimed at securing the country's future prosperity. Everyone must unite in spirit to strive for the nation's prosperity," stressed the President.

Certainly! Here's a revised version: President Muizzu highlighted that one of the most pressing concerns for the Islamic community as they enter another new year is the hardships and suffering faced by Palestinians. Emphasizing the importance of fostering unity and becoming a unified community, he stressed the need to strengthen relations, aid, and cooperation among Muslims in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Quran to overcome such adversities.

"God willing, Maldivians will always stand ready to raise their voices in support of the rights of the Islamic community and contribute to its welfare and prosperity".