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Police initiate investigation after video emerges of child climbing out of Hiyaa Flat window

The video circulating on social media shows what appears to be a young girl climbing out of a Hiyaa Flat window and walking across the ledge to enter into the stairwell through another window.

Mariyath Mohamed
25 May 2024, MVT 08:28
Screengrab from video showing the child climbing in from the window in the stairwell.
Mariyath Mohamed
25 May 2024, MVT 08:28

Police have decided to initiate investigations after a video emerged on social media showing a child dangerously climbing outside the Hiyaa Flat building through a window in a first floor apartment.

The video circulating on social media shows what appears to be a young girl climbing out of a Hiyaa Flat window and walking across the ledge to enter into the stairwell through another window.

Police have said that they are investigating this case involving a nine year old girl.

Although the exact tower is not known, the video shows that it is one of the red towers in the colour coded complex.

Only the first floor of the Hiyaa Flat buildings have the ledge outside the windows leading to the stairwell window.-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru

After the video became widely shared on social media, members of the public have raised concerns about the danger, expressing worries about the high risk the child is at if she is allowed to repeat the acts seen in the video.

This may not be the first time the girl has engaged in this dangerous act, reports indicate. The issue has also been brought to the attention of the Ministry of Social and Family Development previously, who are also looking into the matter, Mihaaru reports.