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Sonee Sports to launch campaign to revive the nation's forgotten football spirit

Sonee Sport has prepared to launch a campaign aimed at reviving the forgotten football spirit across the entire nation. This campaign features innovative ideas and fresh approaches that cater to the changing priorities and needs of the advancing society.

Aishath Shuba Solih
26 June 2024, MVT 15:54
Football in Maldives.
Aishath Shuba Solih
26 June 2024, MVT 15:54

Local sporting business, Sonee Sports has begun preparations to initiate a campaign to restore the forgotten football spirit in Maldives.

Football was once the most popular sport in Maldives with both men and women finding immense joy and excitement in the sport. From playing at tender ages to school tournaments, youth competitions and competitive leagues held at a nation wide scale, football was, at the time, the most sensational and thrilling sport for all Maldivians.

However, the number of people expressing interest in the sport had begun gradually diminishing.

Football in Maldives.

A research conducted by Sonee Sports recently found that among players of the sport, particularly those who play football as an exercise or hobby, proportionate engagement within the sport had diminished by an alarming 43.5 percent.

These numbers are not simply just statistics but a testament to the significant lifestyle and priority changes of the current age.

A report on consumer sports behavior compiled by the largest global consultant farm offering business management consultancy, McKinsey & Company, indicate that the public want activities that enable engagement in sports, offers less time and facilitates easy participation.

Football in Maldives.

The current culture of the football sport do not claim these features.

Forty percent of people who joined the survey research conducted by Sonee Sports highlighted a lack of free time as a barrier in engaging in the sport while another 17 percent noted a lack in motivation.

The most pressing concerns associated with the forgotten football spirit do not only lie within the low numbers of engagement for health and fitness but also the diminishing economic and cultural significance of the sport.

Moreover, the reduced number of youth gathering to play the sport also does not solely result in a lacking number of football athletes; it also raises concerns that the bond connecting the community together may fade away in time.

Football in Maldives.

However, despite the barriers posed to renewing excitement for the sport, innovative thinking has opened new opportunities to change this concerning state of football in Maldives.

Sonee Sports has taken the initiative to bring forth a change and is preparing to launch a campaign with innovative ideas and fresh perspectives to renew the forgotten football spirit.

"In order to counter these concerns with a proactive response, Sonee Sports is preparing to pave the path towards a large activity that may bring forth a significant revitalization to football," said the Spokesperson for the Marketing Department of Sonee Sports.

"A new campaign will be announced at the end of the week with the aim to revive the excitement associated with football. Other products related to football will be presented with large discounts. This will allow access to football equipment at a reasonable price in order to facilitate engagement within football in new players trying the sport for the first time and players returning to the sport."

Local sporting business, Sonee Sports. -- Photo: Sonee Sports

Sonee Sports stated that the biggest target of this campaign is to revive and revitalize the football spirit across the entire nation. The company's most compelling purpose is to facilitate processes that allows the most easy method of participation for each individual.

Sony Sports believes that with adequate support and right equipment, the football spirit of the country will once again be awakened and integrated as a main component of the society.

The company urges supporters to await this delightful new campaign.

Sonee Sport aims to transform football into a sport with much more respect and recognition within the society.

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