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Govt initiates national water and sewerage strategic action plan 2020-2025

Ahmed Aiham
04 November 2020, MVT 16:15
Minister of Environment Dr Hussain Rasheed Hassan (C) unveils the Water and Seweage National Strategic Action Plan (2020-2025). PHOTO: MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT
Ahmed Aiham
04 November 2020, MVT 16:15

The Ministry of Environment, on Wednesday, initiated the Water and Sewerage National Strategic Action Plan (2020-2025), in accordance with the newly ratified Water and Sewerage Act.

The plan was officially unveiled by Minister of Environment Dr Hussain Rasheed Hassan at a special ceremony held at the ministry.

Deemed a fundamental right under the Constitution, the decision is the first instance a regulatory legislature regarding the sector was implemented in the country.

The action plan focuses on six major policies, including ensuring access for all, development of sustainable and low-cost systems, training and raising awareness in regards to the sector, protecting water and sewerage systems as well as creating a resilient society to safeguard against natural disasters such as floods.

Under the Act, the government will also establish a 'Utility Regulatory Authority' tasked with licensing of utility companies as their registrar, as well as the enforcement body to investigate and penalise companies that violate laws related to water and sewerage.

By the end of 2016, access to water with metered connections across the country stood at 41 percent, while access to sewerage systems stood at 48 percent.