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Former President Dr. Waheed exits PPM

Mohamed Rehan
11 August 2023, MVT 00:59
Former president Dr. Mohamed Waheed--
Mohamed Rehan
11 August 2023, MVT 00:59

Former President Dr. Mohamed Waheed has announced his resignation from the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) on Thursday, August 10.

Dr. Waheed, who had been serving as the party's special advisor, announced his resignation from PPM via a statement on Twitter. In his statement, the former president said that he made the decision to resign from the party because he believes that it is crucial for his “skill, experience and knowledge are utilized in a space that has stability, integrity and honesty to facilitate the success of all Maldivians.”

Dr. Waheed’s exit follows PPM and its coalition partner, People’s National Congress’ endorsing PNC presidential candidate Dr. Mohamed Muizzu. This decision was reached after intense debates regarding the coalition's presidential ticket. There were speculations that Dr. Waheed had shown interest to pursue presidency as well.

Dr. Waheed had even filed to clear his police record in preparation to participate in the presidential elections. However, the situation shifted when former president Abdulla Yameen was disqualified from contesting, leading the coalition's senate to ultimately approve Dr. Muizzu's candidacy.