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Maldives will grant ICCPR following Islamic principles: AG Usham

Ameera Osmanagic
12 July 2024, MVT 18:29
AG Usham
Ameera Osmanagic
12 July 2024, MVT 18:29

Maldives will observe the rights and freedoms vested in the United Nation (UN)'s International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in accordance with the country's laws and Islamic values, Attorney General Ahmed Usham said.

The Attorney General's (AG) Office yesterday said that the office participated in a session of the second periodic report submitted by Maldives in which the submission was reviewed by the international body's Human Rights Committee.

Speaking to kick start the meeting, Attorney General Usham said that Islam is a fundamental basis held by the Maldivian people and it is something that cannot be changed in the society.

Detailing efforts by the current administration to strengthen Maldives’ governing system and legal framework, Usham affirmed that the country will afford the ICCPR so long as it is allowed by the country's law and Islamic values.

Apart from the AG Office, the two-session review was participated by the President's Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Homeland, Security and Technology, Ministry of Social and Family Development and Department of Judicial Administration as well as key officials from UN office in Geneva.

During the review process, Maldives presented the efforts to implement the civil and political rights granted under the ICCPR, carried out between July 2012 and March 2022 for the implementation of the treaty.

AG Office said the committee's findings and recommendations of the review would be shared on July 19.

Maldives participated in the ICCPR on September 19, 2006, which was ratified on December 19 the very same year. While Maldives has agreed to all clauses except religious freedom, it mandates a fair trial and protecting the rights of those who are accused in crimes.