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STELCO opens child daycare facility for its employees

Mohamed Rehan
10 November 2022, MVT 17:36
STELCO Chairman officially inaugurates the "STELCO Childcare Center"-- Photo: Nishan Ali | Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
10 November 2022, MVT 17:36

State Electric Company (STELCO) opens a child daycare facility for its employees.

The daycare facility is focused to babysit and foster the children of STELCO employees while they remain at work. The facility was developed on the first floor of the utility provider's headquarters.

STELCO Chairman and former Brigadier General of MNDF Ibrahim Mohamed Didi inaugurated the facility.

The "STELCO Childcare Center" will provide accommodation and fostering for children aged between five to 10, and the center will remain opened on public work days from 08:15 a.m. until 04:00 p.m.

All childcare services will be provisioned through trained and experienced professionals, said STELCO. Moreover, the center will include several recreational options for children to entertain and enjoy themselves.

Speaking at the inaugural ceremony held on Wednesday, November 9, STELCO Managing Director Ahmed Shareef stressed on the importance of the facility. He noted that the center's opening, will improve relief for the staff as they work with knowledge of their children under proper care.

"Our aim is to facilitate productivity and enjoyment for the children while their parents attend the office for work," Shareef commented.

Meanwhile, close to 40 children have already been registered at the center.

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