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Road works on Boduthakurufaanu Magu to start post-Ramadan

17 February 2023, MVT 11:59
(FILE) Boduthakurufaanu Magu set for tarring. Photo: Mihaaru
17 February 2023, MVT 11:59

The Ministry of National Planning, Housing, and Infrastructure announced on Thursday that laying down asphalt on the incomplete strip of Boduthkurufaanu Magu, the road that goes around Malé, will begin after Ramadan.

State Minister Akram Kamaluddin told Mihaaru News that this work would be handed over to a contractor next month. However, he said that the work will only commence after Ramadan ends.

Akram did not specify to whom the contract would be handed over.

"We will be carrying out the preparations related to the commencement of laying down tarmac, before Ramadan," Akram said.

Ramadan is set to begin on March 23.

Asphalt was laid down on Boduthakurufaanu Magu from near the Hulhumalé Ferry Terminal to the Industrial Village in the capital during former President Abdulla Yameen's administration. This work was done to prevent congested roads after opening the Sinamalé Bridge.

The current administration is in the process of laying down asphalt on Ameenee Magu. In the span of four months, the work on this road from the east to the STELCO building has been completed. The area is all set to be opened to the public.

The Road Development Corporation (RDC) was entrusted with the task of constructing the Ameenee Magu. However, as they could not find the space in Malé to keep their machinery, this work was done by the Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC). The work was then assigned to MTCC to find a solution to the delay in construction as the area being closed off was leading to disrupted traffic and pedestrian difficulty as well.

The Planning Ministry has recently said that the Ameenee Magu project, which the state had contracted in July of last year at a cost of MVR 80 million with a ten-month completion deadline, will not be finished in that time frame.