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Minister Mahloof to run for Malé City mayorship

Mohamed Rehan
04 October 2023, MVT 16:55
Minister of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment Ahmed Mahloof--
Mohamed Rehan
04 October 2023, MVT 16:55

Minister of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment Ahmed Mahloof has announced his intention to contend for Malé City's mayorship.

The position of the Malé City Mayor will become vacant once the current mayor, Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, who is the president-elect, takes the oath of office on November 17.

Mahloof on Wednesday, October 4 posted on X his intention to run in the by-election to elect the City's mayor.

Apart from Mahloof, no other candidate has announced their intention to run in the by-election.

According to the Local Governance Act, a new member for council authorities must be appointed within 60 days from the date the Local Government Authority (LGA) issues instructions. LGA is obligated to instruct the Elections Commission (EC) within 14 days of a member's seat becoming vacant.