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Construction of 2000 housing units commencing in Kulhudhuhfushi this year

President Dr Muizzu announced last night that a new project where 2000 housing units will be built in the city of Kulhudhuhfushi will be commenced within the year.

Mariyath Mohamed
27 February 2024, MVT 10:10
President Dr Mohamed Muizzu shakes hands with Kulhudhuhfushi City Mayor Mohamed Athif.-- Photo: President's Office
Mariyath Mohamed
27 February 2024, MVT 10:10

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has said last night that in accordance with his campaign pledge, a project of building 2000 new housing units will commence in Haa Dhaalu atoll Kulhudhuhfushi within this year.

Speaking to the city's residents last night, the President confirmed that this project is included in this year's annual budget.

Even at present, two separate housing projects are being conducted in Kulhudhuhfushi concurrently. One project involves the construction of 1000 housing units, while the other will see the completion of another 400 housing units. Physical work on the construction of the 400 housing units were commenced the previous year.

"Our intention is to run an additional project of 2000 housing units this year, alongside these existing two projects," the President said.

"So, if the work is conducted in this manner, if it proceeds as planned, then there will be 3400 housing units, right?"

President Dr Muizzu highlighted the importance of housing in a high population city like Kulhudhuhfushi, which, along with its own population, sees rising numbers of residents from nearby islands moving to set up lives in the city. He said that although Kulhudhuhfushi is small in size, it has the potential to accommodate a large population, and said the government will work on the city's development with this fact in mind.

He further said that Kulhudhuhfushi is the main hub of regional development in the north.

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