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Maldives condemns Russia in UNGA vote

Lamya Abdulla
03 March 2022, MVT 14:14
Delegates clap at the UN General Assembly Emergency session in New York on March 2, 2022, after a resolution condemning Russian invasion of Ukraine passed. - The UN overwhelmingly adopted a resolution that "demands" Russia "immediately" withdraw from Ukraine, in a powerful rebuke of Moscow's invasion by the global body charged with peace and security. (Photo by TIMOTHY A. CLARY / AFP)
Lamya Abdulla
03 March 2022, MVT 14:14

The United Nations (UN) condemned the attacks on Ukraine and called for the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops on Tuesday.

Maldives voted against Russia in this vote by UN General Assembly (UNGA).

Although 141 of the 193 votes were cast against Russia, India, which maintains close ties with United States (US) refused to vote affirmative or in denial of the cause. Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Bangladesh maintained the same stance as India on this issue.

India and Pakistan have close military relations with Russia.

This is the first time since 1982 that UNGA had held an emergency meeting and passed a special motion such as this.

A total of 35 countries abstained from voting in the affirmative or in denial of the resolution, in addition to the aforementioned countries. China, Iraq, and Iran are on this list.

Including Russia, only five countries voted against the motion; Eritrea, Belarus, North Korea, and Syria.

Thirteen countries did not participate in the vote.

The resolution calls for the unconditional deployment of Russian troops from Ukraine. It also called for an end to Russia's violations of human rights and international conventions in Ukraine.

Even though these resolutions are not legally binding, it is a major political win for Ukraine.

US envoy to the General Assembly Linda Thomas-Greenfield said Russia had committed intensifying acts of violence and should be held accountable for its violations of international law.

Russian envoy Vassili Nebenza said western countries were influencing with the resolution, and said that the resolution would make the matter worse. He reiterated Russia's claims against what he said was a war and called it a "military operation". He said they were not attacking Ukraine but rather the country was bringing out Ukrainian civilians to the front lines as a shield.

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