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Health Ministry launches five year plan for cancer control in the Maldives

Malika Shahid
18 February 2023, MVT 15:15
The five year National Cancer Control Plan launching ceremony Photo: Fayaaz Moosa
Malika Shahid
18 February 2023, MVT 15:15

A five-year plan for cancer control in the Maldives has been formulated and was launched on Thursday.

The National Cancer Control Plan (NCCP) is a plan for 2022–2026 to expand and strengthen the government's efforts to control non-communicable diseases and improve health and well-being.

The plan was launched at a special ceremony held at the Ministry of Health. It was developed with the technical advice and assistance of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and in consultation with relevant professionals in the Maldives.

The main objectives of the plan are:

1. Familiarisation with healthy habits to prevent cancer

2. Early diagnosis and early treatment

3. Access to cancer care without financial burden on families

4. Expand coverage of palliative and supportive care for cancer survivors

5. Establishment of National Cancer Registry and conducting research

The health ministry said the implementation of the plan will help achieve the target of reducing the prevalence of non-communicable diseases to 25 percent by 2030.

The objectives of the plan include identifying measures to prevent cancer in the Maldives and providing appropriate treatment and other services to people with cancer.

The plan also aims to reduce the challenges faced in accessing treatment and improve coordination between government institutions, the private sector, and civil society organisations.

The plan also seeks to strengthen the "Cancer Registry" for the collection of data on the number of cancer cases, general types of cancer, and lifestyle and treatment of cancer patients and those receiving treatment.