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Court acquitted former Chairman of Felivaru Fisheries

Lamya Abdulla
14 February 2022, MVT 15:28
(FILE) The Criminal Court building. -- Photo: Mihaaru
Lamya Abdulla
14 February 2022, MVT 15:28

Criminal Court has acquitted former Chairman of Felivaru Fisheries Company Mohamed Imthiyaz accused of using his influence to gain undue advantage.

Imthiyaz, who was the chairman of Felivaru Fisheries company in 2012, was charged with releasing fish cases worth MVR 1.5 million under credit to a business registered under his name.

The ruling made on Thursday states that Imthiyaz had no role in the transaction, according to the witnesses presented by the state. As there was no evidence to prove he had benefited from it, he was not found guilty.

Imthiyaz was removed as Chairman of Felivaru in 2012 when this issue came to light.