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As sole candidate, Shahid wins MDP Presidency

Former Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid has won Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)'s Presidency without an election as he was the sole candidate to run for the position.

Mariyath Mohamed
20 February 2024, MVT 20:08
Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid participating in the virtual Commonwealth Foreign Affairs Ministers Meeting. PHOTO: FOREIGN MINISTRY
Mariyath Mohamed
20 February 2024, MVT 20:08

Former Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid has won Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)'s Presidency without an election as he was the sole candidate to run for the position.

The position became vacant after former MDP President, former President Mohamed Nasheed left the party in June 2023. Since then, former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has served as Acting President of the party.

The window for applications for the position was from last Tuesday until today. At the end of the duration, the only applicant was Abdulla Shahid. Hence, the party announced that Shahid has automatically become the President of the party.

In a post on social media X last Sunday where he announced his intention to run for MDP Presidency, Shahid highlighted that it is time for MDP to come out with renewed spirits and vigour to take the country in the direction the people desire.

Shahid had been the former Minister of Foreign Affairs in the second MDP government and served as the President of the 76th United Nations General Assembly between 2021 and 2022.

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