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Maldivian wins USD 1M in Dubai promotion

Mohamed Rehan
07 December 2023, MVT 10:09
Mohamed Rehan
07 December 2023, MVT 10:09

A Maldivian local has been selected as the lucky winner of a raffle by the Dubai International Airport.

The winner of the raffle is entitled to a prize money of USD 1 million (MVR 15 million).

According to reports from international media, a Maldivian local named Ahmed Nasir won the lucky draw carried out by the airport's Duty Free.

Reports also confirm that Nasir had purchased his ticket to Dubai online on November 16.

Media reports also mention that this was the first time a Maldivian has won the lucky draw, while also noting that Dubai airport has not been able to contact the winner as of yet.

In addition to the grand prize, two other lucky draw winners received motorbikes in the raffle as well.

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