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Civil Court denies injunction on Afcons fine delay

Mohamed Rehan
30 November 2023, MVT 08:33
A platform used by Afcons Infrastructure for the development of Thilamale' Bridge-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
30 November 2023, MVT 08:33

Civil Court has denied an interim injunction on the delay of the MVR 69 million fine levied on Afcons Infrastructure.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) fined the Thilamale' Bridge contractor after one of its surveyor platforms crashed atop, and damaged, a significant portion of Vilimale' house reef. EPA's decision was upheld by the Ministry of Environment as well as the government, which on November 15, issued an order for the contractor to pay the fine within 15 days from the date of the announcement.

Afcons sought an interim injunction on the fine until it was prepared to counter the charges.

However, Civil Court in its verdict held that the case has been sufficiently identified requiring prompt punitive action.

The court further said that the contractor failed to provide sufficient evidence of any true economic loss arising from the termination of its contract with the government owing to the failure to pay the fine on time.

Civil Court in its verdict identified Afcons could not provide justification for an interim injunction, and denied as such.

Following EPA's fine, Afcons appealed the case with the ministry last year. The government arrived to a decision in November 2023.

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