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NCTC defines extremism, issues guidelines on identifying extremists

Fathmath Shaahunaz
22 December 2019, MVT 20:11
Maldivian insurgents in Syria.
Fathmath Shaahunaz
22 December 2019, MVT 20:11

National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC) on Sunday issued guidance notes on how to define 'extremism' and identify individuals who subscribe to extremist ideologies.

The centre defined extremism as ideologies that radically and violently oppose and advocate against the spirit of the Maldivian Constitution, legal measures and common social policies, in word and action.

Further elaborating on the definition, NCTC identified individuals who subscribe to extremist ideologies as:

- People who deem others that do not follow their religious ideologies as infidels and nonbelievers, and;

- Thus, they believe that the property of such "infidels and nonbelievers" could be rightfully seized or damaged, and their lives could be rightfully taken;

- People who claim that Maldives is a "sinful state" and reject the nation;

- People who claim the Constitution as void, oppose the laws, regulations and policies of Maldives, reject the culture and traditions of the country, and attempt to disrupt the unity of the society.

In accordance with these notes, NCTC listed acts committed by extremists in the name of their ideologies, including:

- Rejecting the national flag, symbol and anthem of Maldives;

- Rejecting the national education curriculum, and withholding their children from attending school;

- Advocating for and spreading their ideologies;

- Depriving their children of international health standards;

- Propagating destructive ideologies that could endanger future generations;

- Oppressing women and children without regard for human rights;

- "Marrying" and sexually abusing children.

NCTC issued its guidance notes after several government-backed amendments to the Prevention of Terrorism Act, which not only defined acts of terror in detail, but accorded greater authorities to the police and military in investigating terrorism and extremism in Maldives.

Security forces have launched a number of operations against terrorism and extremism in Maldives, the most recent being the ongoing 'Asseyri' operation in Maduvvari, Raa Atoll.

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