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USD 25 million required for renovations of Shangri-La Resort: Minister Faisal

Minister of Tourism Ibrahim Faisal said that USD 25 million (MVR 386 million) is required for the renovation of Shangri-La's Villingili Resort and Spa to resume its operations.

Aishath Shuba Solih
17 August 2024, MVT 21:26
Shangri-La's Villingili Resort & Spa. -- Photo: Shangri-La
Aishath Shuba Solih
17 August 2024, MVT 21:26

Minister of Tourism Ibrahim Faisal has revealed that USD 25 million (MVR 386 million) is needed for the renovation of Shangri-La's Villingili Resort & Spa to resume its operations.

Speaking at the "Destination Addu Summit" held in Addu City, the southernmost atoll in the Maldives, Minister Faisal assured that resuming operations of the now-closed Shangri-La Villingili Resort is a top priority for the government. This effort is part of their broader strategy to promote and expand tourism in Addu City.

The Minister also noted that extensive discussions were held on possible avenues for advancing the work during the latest meeting on the matter.

According to Faisal, the meeting with parliamentarians from the Addu Constituency and Shangri-La management at the Ministry of Tourism revealed that several tasks remain pending to bring the resort back to operational condition.

"We discussed how Shangri-La can be brought back into operation during the meeting. This assessment led us to believe that the efforts, which include substantial renovation work, will be time-consuming and will cost nearly USD 25 million. A decision was made to address the matter with Shangri-La's owners, and invitations were extended," said the Minister.

Faisal expressed his intention to personally visit the owners to reach decisions on resolving the matter.

"Addu residents have lost about 500 job opportunities due to Shangri-La's halted operations. This is a very important matter. Once Shangri-La resumes operations, it will boost the circulation of money within Addu's economy," said the Minister.

Seenu (Addu) Atoll Villingili was developed in collaboration with Shangri-La, one of the largest hotel businesses in Hong Kong, China, in 2005. However, the resort ceased operations following the Covid-19 pandemic. Amid the situation, the former administration under President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih signed an agreement in August 2023, close to the presidential elections, to relinquish 30 percent of the State's shares in the resort.

Shangri-La is located approximately 5 minutes by speedboat from Gan International Airport in Addu City. The resort was once a popular destination for wealthy tourists and, during its successful operation, significantly boosted local businesses in Addu, with private jets frequently landing on the atoll.

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