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'13 resorts to begin operating in 2020': Minister Waheed

Ahmed Aiham
18 December 2019, MVT 20:00
Minister of Tourism Ali Waheed at the 'Burabi' event. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI / MIHAARU
Ahmed Aiham
18 December 2019, MVT 20:00

Minister of Tourism Ali Waheed, on late Tuesday, declared that 21 resorts were opened in 2019 and that an additional 13 would begin operating in 2020, with an estimate of 4,127 tourist beds to be created.

Speaking during the ministry's 'Burabi' event at convention centre Dharubaaruge, Minster Waheed declared that 154 resorts are now open, compared to the 143 resorts when President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih assumed Presidency.

"We conclude our first year with a total of 130 facilities added to the tourism sector. We have delivered 6,682 beds out of the (presidential) pledge to establish 35,000 tourist beds", said the Minister.

According to Ministry statistics, tourist arrivals in November numbered at 137,913, an increase of 9.8 percent compared to the same period last year. The total number of tourists by the end of November amounted to 1.531 million tourists, a 14.9 percent increase from 2018.

The highest number of visitors hailed from China, followed by India, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and Russia. Statistics show that, based on region, the highest number of arrivals were from Europe.