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Plot allocation and registry handover for Binveriyaa recipients

Mohamed Rehan
28 August 2023, MVT 10:34
First recipient of plot under Gedhoriveriya Scheme with the State Minister of Ministry of Housing Akram Kamaluddin marks out the plot they were awarded-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
28 August 2023, MVT 10:34

Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure has begun allocating plots and handing over registries to the recipients of the government's Binveriyaa scheme.

Land registries are being provided to beneficiaries of the Binveriyaa scheme at the Hulhumalé synthetic track. The initial batch comprises recipients who obtained plots from Hulhumalé Phase 2, as well as vacant plots situated behind Vinares social housing units. This group includes 13 plots, each spanning 1,200 square feet.

During the ceremony held to distribute plot registries to the beneficiaries, State Minister of the Ministry of Housing Akram Kamaluddin said that the recipients would receive their registries in different phases.

“A lot of the recipients complained that they were awarded plots from land that have not been reclaimed. We will handover registries after allocating the plots,” Kamaluddin said.

He added that the awardees will be handed over to the beneficiaries gradually until all the plots have been allocated to the recipients on the final list.

"During the distribution of the registries, plots will also be allocated from Gulhifalhu and Giraavaru lagoon. These registries are official documents, leaving no room for doubt regarding their legitimacy. We are registering the recipients according to the agreements, which have been duly notarized by our legal experts," he said.

If recipients wish to appoint a proxy to sign the documents on their behalf, they are required to complete the “power of attorney” document on the Gedhoruveriya Portal and provide it to the designated proxy when they attend the signing process, the ministry said.

Individuals attending to sign the land allotment agreement must bring a copy of the land recipient’s ID card, along with the individuals original ID card and a copy of the “power of attorney” for those authorized to sign on behalf of the land recipient, in case a substitution is necessary.

While the ministry has begun signing agreements and allocating plots for the recipients, it had amended the regulations on registering lands on Saturday, August 26.

The ministry had previously confirmed that a total of 18,955 applicants are deemed eligible under the scheme, and they are set to receive a total of 9,003 plots.

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