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Applications open for 77 plots in A.Dh. Dhigurah

Malika Shahid
09 April 2023, MVT 15:17
Arial view of Dhigurah: Applications are open for 77 plots from the island -- Photo: Bliss Dhigurah
Malika Shahid
09 April 2023, MVT 15:17

Applications are now open for 77 plots of land measuring 2,000 square feet each from Alifu Dhaalu atoll Dhigurah.

The island council announced last Thursday that it would be allocating land for residential purposes.

Application Requirements

- No state-owned property or private property should be registered under the applicant's name

- An individual who has received a state-owned property, part of a private property, or a flat from a state-owned housing building must give up their share of the property

- A flat in a government housing building should not be registered under the applicant's name, and any such property under their own name has been vacated or sold for more than two years

- A state-owned property or private property under the applicant's name has been transferred ownership, given up, or sold to another person for more than two years.

According to the island's land allotment policy, the maximum 65 points will be awarded if the applicant is married, resides on the island, and was a resident of the island at birth.

Application forms are available on the island council's website and in the government gazette. The printed form is available at the counter of the council office for MVR 10.

The last date for the submission of applications is May 9, according to an announcement issued by the council.

Recently, several islands have announced land allocations. Many other island councils are also preparing to announce allotments of land this year.

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