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Thinadhoo land plot draw scheduled for Sunday

The draw will take place at 14:00 hrs on Sunday at the Thinadhoo Population Centre. A separate draw will be conducted on the same day to determine the locations of the plots.

Malika Shahid
23 September 2024, MVT 12:43
Gaafu Dhaalu atoll Thinadhoo: the draw for land plots will be held next Sunday
Malika Shahid
23 September 2024, MVT 12:43

The draw to determine the recipients of the land plot from Gaafu Dhaalu atoll Thinadhoo has been scheduled for Sunday.

A total of 200 land plots will be allocated for residential purposes in Thinadhoo, one of the most populous islands in the southern Maldives.

Applications for these plots were announced in April 2023. The allocations include land for residents of Thinadhoo, individuals on the register, non-residents conducting business on the island, single parents, and professional service providers.

The land plots range from 1,500 to 2,000 square feet.

According to an announcement by the Thinadhoo City Council, plots will be allocated based on points received according to stipulated regulations. Those scoring over 78 points from the 120 plots allocated for Category A and 48 points from the 66 plots in Category B will be eligible for the plots.

A draw will be held for individuals scoring 77 points in Category A and 47 points in Category B, City Council said.

"Additionally, no draw will be held for Category C plots, as applicants with the required number of points have been reached and determined for the available plots," the announcement read.

The draw will take place at 14:00 hrs on Sunday at the Thinadhoo Population Centre. A separate draw will be conducted on the same day to determine the locations of the plots.

If an applicant cannot attend the draw in person, they must provide a document indicating that they are sending a substitute, along with a copy of the substitute's ID and a copy of the recipient's ID.

If the recipient fails to attend and does not send a replacement, the City Council will conduct the draw on their behalf.

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