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EC announces 'localised' electoral districts for Addu City

Nafaahath Ibrahim
05 January 2020, MVT 19:30
A meeting ongoing at the Addu City Council. PHOTO: ADDU CITY COUNCIL
Nafaahath Ibrahim
05 January 2020, MVT 19:30

Elections Commission (EC) on Saturday announced Addu City's electoral districts in Addu dialect for the Local Council Elections slated for April.

As per the Vice President of EC Ahmed Akram, changes were brought to the district names in consultation with the City Council and after having sought local opinion. He further added that the suggestion to use district names native to the Atoll was warmly received by locals.

Electoral Districts of Addu City

Hithadhoo Moolekede (Odassau) district

Hithadhoo Korovau district

Hithadhoo Beyremathi district

Hithadhoo Medhevau district

Hithadhoo Maamendhoo district

Hithadhoo Rasgedhara district

Maradhoo district

Feydhoo Maguhdhoo district

Feydhoo Maadhela district

Hulhudhoo district

Meedhoo district

In this year's election, one mayor and 12 councillors will be elected to help lead Addu City.

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