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Dhiraagu to be Digital Partner of MIB Guesthouse Symposium

Dhiraagu has signed on to be the Digital Partner of the Guesthouse Symposium which Maldives Islamic Bank (MIB) will be holding in October.

Mariyath Mohamed
30 September 2024, MVT 16:21
Mariyath Mohamed
30 September 2024, MVT 16:21

Dhiraagu has signed on to be the Digital Partner of the Guesthouse Symposium which Maldives Islamic Bank (MIB) will be holding in October.

In a ceremony held at the MIB Head Office today, Dhiraagu was awarded Digital Partner of the symposium, with Crossroads Maldives signing as the Venue Partner.

The MIB Guesthouse Symposium is the largest event in the industry, with many stakeholders scheduled to participate.

A panel discussion will be featured with industry experts at the symposium. Young creators and entrepreneurs will be provided the opportunity to showcase their talents here, which is slated to be a major networking event.

Those interested to participate in the symposium can register through MIB's website.

The MIB Guesthouse Symposium will be held on October 10 at Crossroads Maldives.

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