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Issue of leasing MNDF flats increased; retraction warning given

Due to increased cases of leasing the MNDF housing flats for rent, MNDF has issued a warning to the owners allocated with the flats, informing that their ownership will be retracted if renting is continued in violation of the agreement signed.

Aishath Shuba Solih
28 April 2024, MVT 11:52
SIFCO flats allocated to MNDF officers. -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru News SIFCO flats allocated to MNDF officers. -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru News
SIFCO flats allocated to MNDF officers. -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru News
Aishath Shuba Solih
28 April 2024, MVT 11:52

Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) has stated that the Sifainge Co-oporative (SIFCO) flats allocated to MNDF officers will be retracted if the units are being leased for rent.

Leasing of these apartments to a second party is prohibited under the agreement signed between the recipients of the SIFCO Hiya Flats and MNDF.

Addressing this escalating issue, a media official for MNDF stated today that a warning letter has been delivered to the owners, notifying them that the ownership of the unit will be retracted as the flats have been rented in violation of the agreement made by both parties. He elaborated that nonetheless, no flats have been taken away thus far.

As reported by Mihaaru, most housing units issued to MNDF officers from the SIFCO flats are currently leased to second party tenants, with the MNDF families that were delivered the flats currently living elsewhere.

The key has been handed over to the recipients of 345 apartment units built within 3 SIFCO towers and some officers and their family have now relocated to the flats as well. However, advertisements have been circulating on various platforms, promoting the leasing of these apartments for rent.

The foundation for the MNDF flats were laid on November 26, 2014. Despite designating a project conclusion deadline of 18 months, many issues were faced with the contractor assigned to proceed the project and the project remained uncompleted by the deadline. Thus, the Chinese company, "The 23rd Metallurgical Construction Group Co.,Ltd." were appointed to proceed the construction.

A total of MVR 548 million was expended on the MNDF flats project.

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