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Parliament to decide today on Election Postponement Bill returned by President

Mariyath Mohamed
28 February 2024, MVT 10:09
Mariyath Mohamed
28 February 2024, MVT 10:09

The Parliament is scheduled to decide today on the amendments brought to the General Elections Act that the President sent back without ratification.

These amendments that the Parliament passed stipulate that elections will not be held during the month of Ramadan, and thus postpone any elections falling within that month to ten days after the conclusion of Ramadan.

This would, in effect, delay the upcoming parliamentary elections, currently scheduled to be held on March 17.

However, the President sent the bill back without ratification, citing multiple reasons, key among which is that the delay may cause violation of a number of articles in the Constitution.

This matter has been placed on agenda for today, in the week's first parliament sitting.

As per the Constitution, if the Parliament votes again in favour of passing a bill sent without ratification by the President without bringing any additional changes to it, the President is then required to ratify the bill within the next 15 days.

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