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Meekail says MDP will even go to court over the rights of the listed flat recipients

Aishath Shuba Solih
06 February 2024, MVT 19:36
Southern Galolhu Constituency MP, Meekail Ahmed Naseem
Aishath Shuba Solih
06 February 2024, MVT 19:36

Southern Galolhu Constituency parliamentarian, Meekail Ahmed Naseem has declared today that MDP is prepared to take the matter to court in defense of the rights of the flat recipients listed during the former government.

Under the 'Gedhoruveriya' housing scheme begun by the preceding government, 4000 applicants were approved to receive flats and they were issued confirmation documents as well.

However, after investigation conducted by the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) following complaints regarding the list, they revealed yesterday that 60 percent of the listed recipients did not meet the requirements. They had further revealed huge errors made during the distribution of flats.

While debating an unrelated matter in the People’s Parliament meeting today, he had criticized the government and ACC.. He remarked that the government, together with the commission, is working to distribute flats to recipients of their own choosing due to the approaching Parliamentary elections.

However, the present ACC members were appointed by the former president, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, during his tenure.

Meekail declared that MDP does not intend to yield and that they will go to court in defense of the recipients if necessary.

“We are determined not to surrender easily. We will stand in defense of these rights so long as we assume even the slightest control with the majority of the Parliament. MDP will always persist to ensure fundamental rights [of the people].” He said.

According to the ACC, eligible applicant devoid of any issues are 20.7 percent of the recipients. Furthermore, the committee said that there were 19.7 percent forms that met the requirements, but also contained other problems, which adds up to approximately 1600 flats.

Errors found in the application forms

- The inclusion of many ineligible applicants within the 4000 recipients

- Misinformation in applications

- Points given contrary to the policy in the section for people with special needs

- Additional documents submitted during complaint period

- Points were given in contrary to the policy

- It was noticed that many people’s rights were infringed upon