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Gov to provide each household with 10kg rice and flour during Ramadan

Mariyath Mohamed
13 January 2024, MVT 22:10
Mariyath Mohamed
13 January 2024, MVT 22:10

The government has stated that it will be giving each household a complimentary 10kg sack of rice and flour each during this approaching Ramadan, falling in March 2024.

"Additional things will also be done. And we will increase this in the coming year. God willing, we will stand up on our own two feet and stop depending on others," President Dr Mohamed Muizzu said following the statement, while addressing the media after concluding his state visit to China.

President Dr Muizzu addresses the media after concluding the first state visit to China.-- Photo: President's Office

The President further revealed that the government had signed an agreement with Turkey regarding sourcing food staples. He said that the first shipment of wheat flour from Turkey would arrive in the Maldives next month.

As per the President's remarks, the agreement with Turkey facilitates the provision of 10 percent more than the total amount of staples required for the Maldives.

"Rice, sugar. Also onions, eggs, potatoes. Things like this have been sourced from various countries. They will come," the President stated.

During the state visit to China, twenty MOUs were signed between the countries. The President revealed today that this includes an MOU on conducting major agricultural projects in Uthuru Thilafalhu.

President Dr Muizzu said that agriculture in Uthuru Thilafalhu will be established to a level that allows food production enough to cater to two hundred thousand Maldivians. He said that all varieties of produce that can be grown in the Maldives will be cultivated there.