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MP Jabir's Green Party of Maldives officially registered with EC

Malika Shahid
13 February 2023, MVT 14:19
EC Vice President Ismail Habeeb hands over the registration of the newly formed Green Party of Maldives to Kaashidhoo MP Abdulla Jabir -- Photo: Election Commission
Malika Shahid
13 February 2023, MVT 14:19

The Election Commission (EC) on Monday approved the formation of the Green Party of Maldives (GPM).

The EC said in a tweet that a ceremony was held this morning to officially handover the registration of the party to its founder Kaashidhoo MP Abdullah Jabir. EC Vice President Ismail Habeeb officiated the ceremony.

Jabir resigned from Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) to form his own party today.

According to Jabir, the party's main objective is to participate in this year's presidential election, but their current priority is to register new members. Some members from DRP will also be joining the newly formed party, according to Jabir.

In an interview with Mihaaru News, Jabir stated that despite his initial willingness to continue with DRP, the party's lack of activity posed significant difficulties. He further stated that he had attempted to attract new members to the party, but was unsuccessful in amassing new members.

The EC's decision to dissolve DRP came after the party failed to meet the minimum membership requirement of 3,000 as mandated by law. The commission has even asked DRP to cease all political activities until the matter is resolved.

The matter has been referred to the court last week, after it was earlier dismissed by the High Court.

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