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Work on two sports complexes to commence in February: Rafiu

Mariyath Mohamed
26 January 2024, MVT 15:30
Sports Minister Rafiu speaking at last night's 'Ahaa' Public Forum.-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
26 January 2024, MVT 15:30

Minister of Sports, Fitness and Recreation Abdulla Rafiu has stated that work will commence in February to construct two indoor sports complexes complete with wheelchair accessible facilities.

At the first 'Ahaa Forum' - a public forum where questions on government initiatives can be posed to cabinet ministers - held last night at Sultan Park, the Minister confirmed that designing of the complexes has already been completed.

"Foundation for these two complexes will be laid before February 20. Both are planned to be five pitch indoor complexes. They have already been designed, with special consideration given to ensuring it is wheelchair accessible," Rafiu said.

Asked by a member of public if existing sports complexes will also be modified for wheelchair access, Rafiu responded that this has been 'a wake up call'.

"Now we have to come up with a timeline within which we can modify existing sports buildings to be accessible as well," he said.

The Minister did not reveal details about which specific sports the complexes will be dedicated for. However, this administration's 'Week 14' plan includes mention of a netball and futsal complex.

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