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Police to investigate arson of historical Kaani Tree in Baarah

In a statement released last night, the National Centre for Cultural Heritage said that it has submitted a case to the Police in accordance with the National Cultural Heritage Act to investigate the incident.

Mariyath Mohamed
29 February 2024, MVT 11:50
More than 400 year old Kaani tree in Haa Alif Atoll Baarah, set on fire in the early hours of Wednesday.
Mariyath Mohamed
29 February 2024, MVT 11:50

The case of the more than 400 year old 'Kaani Gas' (Cordia Subcordata Tree) in Haa Alif Baarah being set on fire in the early hours of Wednesday has been lodged at the Police by the National Centre for Cultural Heritage.

In a statement released last night, the Centre said that it has submitted a case to the Police in accordance with the National Cultural Heritage Act to investigate the incident.

They further said they are collaborating with Baarah Island Council to identify those responsible for the act.

Article 54(d) of the National Cultural Heritage Act stipulates that a person who harms any object or place considered as cultural heritage must be fined an amount between MVR 10,000 and MVR 100,000 based on the cultural value of the damaged property.

Article 54(e), meanwhile, states that criminal proceedings can be undertaken against the offender.

This historical tree is believed to have grown from a pole placed in the ground of Haa Alif Baarah by Boduthakurufaanu (Sultan Ghazi Muhammadh Thakurufaanu) to build the sail of Kalhuohfummi - the ship he sailed in the year 1558 in the battle to save Maldives from Portuguese rule.

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