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Civil Court orders Male' City Council to handover Male' Industrial Zone to government

Civil Court has an issued an order to Male' City Council asking it to handover the Male' Industrial Zone to the government.

Mariyath Mohamed
24 July 2024, MVT 13:07
Male' Industrial Zone.-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
24 July 2024, MVT 13:07

Civil Court has an issued an order to Male' City Council asking it to handover the Male' Industrial Zone to the government.

In 2022, Male' City Council (MCC) refused to handover the Industrial Zone to the government despite the Housing Ministry instructing them to clear the area and hand it over to the government. MCC maintained that the land belonged to them.

The government also instructed earlier last year to not give the land to a third party as Thilamale' Bridge work is being carried out in the area.

Housing Ministry submitted a case to Civil Court seeking to reclaim this land. The Civil Court's ruling issued yesterday said that the MCC had failed to be answerable to court in the case, and that the land belongs to the government in light of the submissions to court by the government.

The Civil Court ruled in absentia of MCC that they must bring to a halt any work they are carrying out on those premises and hand over the land to the Housing Ministry by July 30.

A large part of the Industrial Zone is currently used to park vehicles.