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PPM/PNC nominates Yameen as presidential candidate

Mohamed Rehan
01 August 2022, MVT 10:10
Former Maldives President accepts presidential candidacy nomination from PPM/PNC coalition-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
01 August 2022, MVT 10:10

Maldives opposition PPM/PNC nomitnated former President Abdulla Yameen as the presidential candidate for the 2023 elections.

The opposition coalition made the declaration on Sunday evening, July 31, which was confirmed by the president of People's National Congress (PNC) Abdul-Raheem Abdulla via a tweet.

"...and President Yameen accepted the nomination. Congratulations! President Yameen," translates Abdulla's tweet.

Yameen, who is currently at the helm of prime opposition party, Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) first took oath of office, after a monumental victory, in 2013.

The coalition concluded to nominate the former head of state with an approval of 99 member nods, who attended Sunday evening's meeting.

Abdulla who chaired the meeting confirmed the participation of former President Dr. Waheed and former Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Shaheem in Sunday's meeting.

The PNC president further confirmed of discourse during the meeting, members discussed on who they will be nominating as the opposition's presidential candidate.

However, the members unanimously agreed not to proceed with a party primary to elect the presidential candidate owing to the current situation in the Maldives, which Abdulla claimed was in critical condition.

The members agreed to proceed with the nomination without a primary if the former president accepted the coalition's offer, which he did.

While Yameen received the nomination nod from the opposition coalition for the presidential election of 2023, he is still mired with multiple allegations of misconduct tied to Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC).

The state has a total of three cases lodged in local courts against the former head of state, and conviction from any of the cases will automatically render Yameen ineligible to run for presidency.

Meanwhile, Yameen has a tabled hearing on Monday, August 1, tied to the Vaavu Aarah misconduct, while a money laundering charge is tried against him related to Raa Fuggiri lease; both tried separately.

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